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Plan B?

There ain't even a Plan A

[film clip: Johnny Rocco in Key Largo - a film by John Huston, 1948]

A Committee of Mass Destruction or a Confederacy of Dunces?

In several of my posts here,

A Confederacy of Dunces
Eugyppius has written a terrifying review of Klaus Schwab's The Great Reset: The Terrifying Vacuity of Klaus Schwab If KS has been thought of as one of the top-level master-minds of the Great Plot Against Humanity, (as no small number of writers have told us) this review should deflate that view faster th…
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…I have been insisting that there is no "Green Baize Table" conspiracy afoot, no GLOBAL PLAN concocted and agreed upon by all the usual suspects, Gates, Fauci, Schwab, you-name-'em, but rather a Confederacy of Dunces pretending to be World Leaders each with their own close-to-the-vest agenda. Many of those agendas have considerable overlap, but that is not proof that they were collectively devised and agreed upon (around the GBT in a cigar-smoke-filled back room in a secret bunker somewhere in the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming).

These "World Leaders"1 are all smart alecks like Johnny Rocco — all quite clever at elbowing their way to the top of their little domains, all quite willing to do whatever it takes to advance their own interests over those of anyone who might impede their rise to power, privilege, and yet more wealth, over the interests and welfare of everyone else, in fact... Clever, capable, talented, yes, but woefully lacking in the wisdom only ever displayed by disappointingly few in this world. And hypocrites all!

What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core. —Hanna Arendt

They all cultivate an affable, "you-can-trust-us" public persona, a social facade carefully crafted to hide their deeply held creeds and convictions, as well as their glaring personal faults — more sociopathology2 than foible — news of which occasionally gets leaked to the public (the Biden's dealings and laptops... the popularity of Epstein Weekends, etc.). They are much better at disguising their true selves than was Johnny Rocco, to be sure, and one suspects the effort in many cases succeeds in disguising even from themselves their own essential nature. Scavengers, vultures underneath a patina of respectability, feeding on the human carrion their noble projects produce in plenty.

They avoid announcing to the world their cultivated belief that,

That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors - and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do. —Karl Rove

Can we imagine people such as these agreeing on anything in which they all have radically diverse vested interests?

Two further proofs of the anti-conspiracy hypothesis have come to my attention, the review of Klaus Schwab's recent book by eugyppius, discussed in my post referenced above,

eugyppius: a plague chronicle
The Terrifying Vacuity of Klaus Schwab
Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, COVID-19: The Great Reset (Forum Press: Cologny/Geneva, 2020). 280 pp. Like many bad books, The Great Reset lapses into occasional inadvertent autobiography. In the final pages especially, where Klaus Schwab writes of his hopes for a “Personal Reset” through state repression, we catch a glimpse of the man during the fi…
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...and two posts by just-recently-Substacking Professor Mattias Desmet. The first,

Mattias Desmet
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
At the end of February 2020, the global village began to shake on its foundations. The world was presented with a foreboding crisis, the consequences of which were incalculable. In a matter of weeks, everyone was gripped by the story of a virus—a story that was undoubtedly based on facts. But on which ones? We caught a first glimpse of “the facts” via f…
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is an excellent introduction to the hypothesis of mass formation as the enabling factor for the world-wide acceptance and rapt participation in the COVID crowd madness. Pr. Desmet summarizes how the situation evolved from its early days, and before long produced certainty in a great many:

...That's how most people eventually became certain. Very certain. But of diametrically opposed viewpoints. Some people became certain that we were dealing with a killer virus, that would kill millions. Others became certain that it was nothing more than the seasonal flu. Still others became certain that the virus did not even exist and that we were dealing with a worldwide conspiracy. And there were also a few who continued to tolerate uncertainty and kept asking themselves: how can we adequately understand what is going on?

...That was the moment when I decided to focus on something else, namely on the psychological processes that were at work in society and that could explain how people can become so radically blind and continue to buy into a narrative so utterly absurd. It took me a few months to realize that what was going on in society was a worldwide process of mass formation.

What is mass formation actually? It’s a specific kind of group formation that makes people radically blind to everything that goes against what the group believes in. In this way, they take the most absurd beliefs for granted.

A second characteristic of an individual in the grip of mass formation is that they become willing to radically sacrifice individual interest for the sake of the collective.

Thirdly, individuals in mass formation become radically intolerant for dissonant voices. In the ultimate stage of the mass formation, they will typically commit atrocities toward those who do not go along with the masses. And even more characteristic: they will do so as if it is their ethical duty.

Both publicly and privately, we have all observed exactly this process during the reign of COVID, we observed these characteristics in those around us, whether from the fracturing of a friendship due to heated disagreement, especially about the "vaccine", or, if we have been paying online attention to the analyses of the third group mentioned, "[the] few who continued to tolerate uncertainty and kept asking themselves: how can we adequately understand what is going on?"3

Slowly we crowd madness warriors have come to understand much of what has transpired, the many threads of the story and how they fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. That comprehension is by no means complete, and there surely will remain major unknowns and even unknown unknowns [footnote] far into the future. But we can now clearly see who are the main actors in the drama, decipher their disparate motives to a significant degree, catalog the harms their antics have produced, anticipate what might be yet forthcoming, and above all, reveal publicly the information that can bring about a change of direction.

An important aspect of that revelation must be, according to the subject I am dealing with here, the anti-conspiracy (the GBT kind) conclusion that is merited by known facts. If we are to reverse the tide of madness, it must be done with reference to the best overall view of current crowd madness reality. And that is certainly not a view that posits an evil clique at the top, all united in Hollywood bad-guy outfits, a "They" that simply cannot exist except in fiction — as I have been taking pains to demonstrate.

In Professor Desmet's followup Substack post, we see how the evil conspiracy delusion falls apart when examined coolly and logically. It's not that conspiracies cannot or do not exist, nor that big plans may be a part of the dreams of power and control of many of the actors in this mad play. It's that the plans of all these rich and powerful are certain to destroy each other as efficiently as they have destroyed much else, including so many "commoners" in the populations they have been playing games with: The great majority in the grip of Mass Formation.

Good ends, as I have frequently to point out, can be achieved only by the employment of appropriate means. The end cannot justify the means, for the simple and obvious reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced. —Aldous Huxley

In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists. —Eric Hoffer

A few lines from Pr. Desmet's second post should convince all but hardened conspiracy theorists, but please give the entire post a thorough reading, beginning to end, before you come to your conclusion:

Mattias Desmet
Am I an expert in Mass Formation or a Trojan Horse?
Three weeks ago, American psychiatrist Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger Ross Breggin formulated some harsh criticism of my new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. They did so in a book review published in three parts (here, here, and here), asserting that in describing the…
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The puppet master is the ideology, not the elite... The “plans” do not precede the developments, as a conspiracy logic suggests. They follow them. Those who guide the masses are not real “leaders” in the sense that they do not have the capability to determine where the masses will go. Instead they sense what people crave and they adjust their plans in that direction. They may relish pretending to have control and direct the chain of events, but they are more like a child sitting on the bow of a ship and turning a toy steering wheel every time the tanker changes direction.

The "leaders", the movers and shakers, are all subject to the same forces! Most of them got at least triple-vaxxed, what?, didn't they know what was up if it were in fact "they" who laid the evil plans?

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Through its Young Global Leaders program, the World Economic Forum has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles. For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity. [see GLOBAL RESEARCH]


Sociopathy refers to a pattern of antisocial behaviors and attitudes, including manipulation, deceit, aggression, and a lack of empathy for others. Sociopathy is a non-diagnostic term, and it is not synonymous with "psychopathy," though the overlap leads to frequent confusion. Sociopaths may or may not break the law, but by exploiting and manipulating others, they violate the trust that the human enterprise runs on.


I trust Professor Desmet will not object to my quoting more than just a line or two from his posts here, we can be sure that not everyone is up to reading his book, or trying to understand the entirety of the mass formation hypothesis. I selected the quotes I thought would give a clear, if abbreviated understanding of the situation.

Peter Webster