At least we CAN get those books. Imagine living in medieval times when you had to travel long and hard to get to a library like the one in Umberto Eco's book, The Name of the Rose. Also an excellent movie with Sean Connery.

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And I have purchased all of them for the sake of documentation and of course for reading. Everything in this crime must be documented on paper.

Excellent Substack. Thank you!

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The unspoken truth of these Experimental DNA changing "Kill Shots" is an agenda to wipe out the Anglo Saxon race (Democide). Isnt odd that China has not bought 1 dose of these miracles of science. for a population of 1.4 billion. the art of war is clear as a bell. If u know Rockefeller eugenic movement-you will know the agenda. If you are not familiar with Deagle population projections for 2025 you might see thru the looking glass. The same nefarious playes are repeating the crimes of IG Farben and nazi germany (Capitalism/fascism). Wake about the agenda.

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no mandatesin china &no mrna

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I am left leaning but still like the idea of capitalism. Compete. Make a better widget, make yourself rich but make society better too. Win-win. Love it. But more and more it looks like we're in late stage capitalism, there isn't as much room to innovate, and so compete means buying up the competition, shorting your employees, buying a couple politicians, or all of them, etc. It seems with medicine there is so much untapped value in the drugs available today that keeping capitalism alive to 'research' new drugs has tipped over to counterproductive....perhaps a decade ago. I'm just thinking out loud, but like gee whiz...what would the criteria for nationalizing an industry? -profit motive leads to perverse incentives? -not much room left for innovation? Evidence of interference of using life saving resources today? Talk me down.

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Well, end-stage capitalism necessarily produces cheating, lying, and a total inability by corporations to act in any way except to maintain and increase investor profits.

The lies of big tobacco for which the CEOs were willing to go to jail rather than renounce. The lies of Monsanto... and now BigPharma. The excerpt from Marcia Angell's New York Review of Books piece can leave little doubt what BigPharma MUST do, with no chance of "reform" and all made even worse by CEOs holding much of the stock that is required by law to go up in value. Have a look at

https://peterwebster.substack.com/p/the-enemy-of-nature and then https://peterwebster.substack.com/p/do-you-really-want-to-know

the first link there is an excerpt of the Kovel book.

I remember well my economics course at a top university, and all the noble ideas about competition, the best goods at the cheapest price... it's taken many decades but the entire thing now seems a fairy-tale that I can't believe I fell for. Early on, capitalism did certainly bring great advance, but except in rare periods like after WW2, when the middle class actually approached "the middle", for awhile, the side effects were grinding poverty for the great majority... I have no answer, perhaps there is no answer, except to wait until planetary forces bring on the inevitable solution. But, as Gandhi says, you go ahead and do the right thing anyway. (very loosely quoted!)

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therichget richer&the poorget porerneverhas weatlh beenin so fewhands gaphas neverbeen wider its madelikethat

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Late stage capitalism and decline of an empire are the key factors. The cost of the corruption is so tiny compared to the dirty profits to be made. Companies in that position will always end up with CEO's and board members willing to cross legal and ethical boundaries for life-changing money. Everyone has a price, and for these companies the risk/reward is far too skewed in favor of corruption and evil.

Govt contracts are a good example similar to this. If I can buy legislatures that pass laws that make it a de facto monopoly, I can increase prices because no one can meet the requirements to even bid a contract. Space X had to sue the gov't to bid contracts to supply the space station. Why? End-stage capitalism and the size of the money involved.

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Ends of empires historically have had everyone committing crimes in sight of the citizens with no fear of punishment. Biden and his Ukraine/China skimming. Probably a hundred others in D.C. like McConnell and Graham and Pelosi... on and on. Everyone's in on it. So why should we not expect DoD and big pharma to get in on the steal?

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End-stage capitalism: BigMoney is at the top of reasons, KillerJoe (DOD) took up the challenge by BigPharma to produce and circulate the beast: who better to do that than the good folks that had been doing such research for a long while?.


"BigPharma walks into a bar..." A "cartoon" version of the entire undertaking.

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oligarchsand cartels

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I thought about it some more and I have no answer either. In my comment I had focused on the issues with the private pharmaceutical companies but in reality the problem is the combination of the FDA/CDC and the private companies. Which means government is half the problem. I keep banging my head against this and every time the only answers that seem to offer some possible action are local. Empower the local community. Empower the local library. Reading The Real Fauci by RFK now and just got to the part where they were dealing with the HIV crisis and there was an effort to empower the FLCCC's of that day. Need to read up more on what was tried and what failed.

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Empower the local library? In my tax paid library, RFK’s book is no where to be found or Peter McCullough’s or any ot the books written in the past three years trying to save humanity. It’s a bit like walking into MSNBC itself!

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Mine carries it but i"ve heard that complaint. I still like the idea of libraries even if the bias is present there. Shoot, I still like the idea of having regulatory bodies even though they are corrupt. The library was only one part of my post. I do with more attention would be paid to how in the Aids epidemic it looked like policy was going to be put into place to enable groups like the FLCCC to advocate for generic drugs. What happened to that effort?

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"As a plan to reduce population, that's strictly sci-fi. If that's the case, the SNAFU is even bigger since the populations dying off most successfully seem to be we Westerners."

One day you'll stumble upon the JQ.

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I stressed: it is a question of competence, and given the obvious lack of same by the visible major players, the probability that such idiots could have planned this out from the debut of the patents et al. 1999 ... is so close to zero as to be unmeasurable. Now, that is not to say that after this thing got rolling in 2019 or 2020 (as I also mention) the results up to then probably caused no small number of B&B light bulbs to explode over the heads of said idiots and thus Iran, thus seeded outbreaks in certain locations to keep a few of the hospitals full (and nightly news also full... of scaremongering lunacy),... and thus those famous historical mentions of eugenics, world population problems, a way to solve climate change... by the usual suspects that led to theories that the evil geniuses have it all planned out... It was more, (light bulb pops) "Hey, wow, these miraculous injections are causing lots of death and have great potential over the medium term to bring about some of the very results we have long discussed but could never find a way to achieve. What a fortunate coincidence! So, let's redouble our propaganda and offers that can't be refused so as to... (fill in the blank to agree with your own preconceptions)

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Incompetent? Sure, if we're referring to the management of a thriving civilization.

If we're referring, instead, to the infiltration of media/government and the pushing of lies on a population trained to believe them by the (infiltrated) public education system, then they appear to be quite competent. Frighteningly competent.

The idea that there has ever been merely a single plan to achieve the well documented aims of this certain group and that it had to have worked out flawlessly over a decades long period is a bit uninformed. An organization with nearly limitless resources doesn't set up a single route from point A to point B. It maintains a stable of options; failed/unrealistic solutions are discarded while new approaches which show promise are incorporated, always converging on point B.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with most of your reply, which is surprising considering that your articles are very clear and easily understood.

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anyone participating in any capacity whatever in the mad rush to kill the planet is obviously incompetent. banker, tailor, soldier, spy, CIA goon,

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The incompetents you refer to are the useful idiots, carrying the orders.

The people up top sending the orders, are definitely NOT incompetent.

The success of the mRNA injections agree with me on that one.

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Everything was paid for by DoD. Everyone was given immunity. Everyone was forced into hospitals and given Remdesivir and ventilation that even the doctors ordering it knew was certain to kill at least half the patients.

I haven't even gotten to all the patent info, the comment by Baric I think that we just need a panic to force people to beg for the vaccine.

The march to the jab madness, lockdowns, masks... worldwide? Who has the power to make all that happen? It's not just the industry. It's gov'ts worldwide... a few that refused to go along ended up dead.

Why do you think such a plan is unlikely? The Nazi's did it. Do you really think evil of that level can't exist in the U.S.? If so, you're more naive than I was 20+ years ago.

Far, far too many coincidences to be coincidence or stupidity. It's pure evil.

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newcancerdrugs nowfor all thenew turbocancers.winwin

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There is no fucking virus.

It's just a spike protein, patented by Moderna, and injected into people via poisonous shots, a few years later.

There was NEVER a pandemic, there was NEVER a SARS-CoV-2 virus in the wild.

SARS-CoV-2 is a computer model, and the spike protein from it was patented by Moderna and injected into people via mRNA shots, a few years later.

SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated from a diseased individual, it was built as computer model, to match the spike protein which was already patented by Moderna.

Wake the fuck up!

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Electron Cryotomography of SARS-CoV-2 Virions

Seeing the Virus Up Close Makes It Difficult to Deny its Existence


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I wish I could reply to Dr Peter McCullough but he paywalled his comments section. And I am not paying to be able to reply to his posts, no matter how un-scientific they are..

Having a picture of something does not equate with that something being the cause of a disease.

There are plenty of pictures of 'viruses' in the literature but the virologists have never met the burden of proof.

I can show plenty of pictures of Santa Claus, and you can even sit on his lap sometimes, in malls!

Does that prove that Santa is Real and he does what the stories say he does?!

Going back to pictures of 'viruses':

The virologists never proved those particles are the cause of a disease, they get produced in a test tube, after monkey kidney cells or bovine fetal cells get poisoned and starved.

In fact, those particles in the pictures were NEVER seen in a sample from a diseased individual.

Cristine Massey has over 200 FOI's from various institutions and universities around the world, and no one has obtained those particles from a patient sample. NO ONE.

And they are never shown to be transmissible from person to person, not causing any disease in a person. In fact, any attempts to produce a disease in cell lines from human lungs, have failed!

They are only produced in laboratory settings, in test tubes where they starve and poison some cells which have nothing to do with human anatomy.

So no.. I am NOT convinced.

Moreover, I will add this new information, from Dr Tom Cowan:

Dissecting The Third And Final Pillar of Virology: The Genome Webinar

Friday, January 28, 2021 at 2:00 pm EST

In this webinar, I discussed a study published in the prestigious journal Nature (found here: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep31175?fbclid=lwAR025YeZ64s3HyHaROFYnTSMbBmTHMQNRzmcDA8vBwQQs4Ao7oddPvqUk2M) where researchers conclusively demonstrated that whenever fetal calf serum is added to any cell culture, it is simply impossible to use the results of this culture to determine the RNA sequence of any new virus. I examined the study in depth and showed how it refutes the entire foundation of genetic virology. I also held a brief Q+A session.

Watch the webinar here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KNPMjomgGoKV/

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The so-called 'virus' hasn't been isolated from a sick person.. ever.

Christine Massey has over 200 FOI's from various institutions in over 40 countries, and no one has isolated the 'virus' from a sick person. No one.


All the virologists do for isolating the 'virus', is they poison some monkey kidney cells or bovine fetal cells in a test tube, and when those cells die, they say it's the 'virus' (hint: it's not, it's cell debris from a dying cell).

But that doesn't tell you anything, you don't know if those particles are infectious in nature or if they cause any kind of disease.

Moreover, Stefan Lanka did the control experiment where he poisoned the same cells without any Infectious material whatsoever, and observed the cells die exactly same way.. so it's the conditions of the experiment killing the cells, not a supposed 'virus'..

Virology as a field is a hoax, and many doctors and scientists started noticing.

Check out videos from Andrew Kaufman, Stefan Lanka or Dr Sam Bailey, they explain in great detail what's going on.

You can start with this interview


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Tell that to Andrew Kaufman, Mc Cowan and former Pfizer executive Michael Yeadon, who also woke up to the truth recently: there are no respiratory viruses as we know them.

Kaufman proved virology is fake by performing the control experiment.

And over 200 FOI's from Christine Massey proved that no one has isolated the virus from a sick person. Ever.

They 'invent' the virus by poisoning some cells in a test tube.

It's pointless to argue with the brainwashed, no matter how much logic and evidence you present..

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Nice article, and what seems to be a very solid take on the situation. From the view at the bottom, it is almost inconceivable how folks controlling of such monolithic entities, increasing their size, scope, and profitability for decades, are/were at the same time so unaware of the problems that they were causing.

A reflection of the 'win at all costs' business mentality, I suppose; rake in the money, and damn the consequence.

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Nice work Peter!

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No, I think Bevis and Butthead is akin to the intellectual level of Tony Fauci. Agree that they are in a Snafu... because the vaccines are failing so spectacularly. They can bury the adverse effects, but not the fact that the hospitalized are vaccinated and efficiency is dropping under 50% in less than six months.

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Fantastic article. Subscribing!

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I think you're naive about the depopulation intent. Gates has been pretty upfront about that. Read the 1962 Northwoods document of the Joint Chiefs of Staff if you don't believe "they" would do such a thing. It's what got JFK killled trying to expose it. ("Sci-Fi" enough for you?)

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Perhaps. Yes, I know about Gates, Northwood et al., and this:

JFK to 911 - Everything is a rich man's trick.


some downloadable versions via DuckDuckGo search.

Yes, "they" are capable of much - but not necessarily competent enough to pull it off. Exploding seashell to assassinate Castro? <snort!>

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by the way - if you watch that film you will see that "they" were so incompetent they almost blew the JFK assassination: several shooters missed their target completely.

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'they' had multiple venues of achieving the goal.

The fact that JFK is dead proves they are more than capable and more intelligent than you think.

I believe you are underestimating 'them'.. a lot

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We'd better call James Bond.

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James Bond is a unicorn. A fixture of imagination.

These people are real, and they control more than you can imagine.

What did Klaus Schwab say? We penetrate the cabinets? They have people in pretty much every government in the world?

In Canada, they have something like half???

Yeah, keep dreaming about James Bond to save you :))

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Sadly, the East Coast establishment, intelligence agencies, and HW Bush Neocons gained the keys to the the castle that day... and still have them.

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But fate (the god that is not mocked?) is changing the locks!

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Exactly, not competent at all. Probably a similar skill set to Donald Trump... those pulling strings in secret societies. They are so used to power, the become drunk with their own madness (and idiocy). Unfortunately, the masses suffer... but we will survive, unless they get the idea to release Marburg next.

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Marburg? Not to worry, we have our masks and our mittens.

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