What a great article! This pretty much says it all.

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Dissatisfaction, alone, isn't truth.

It has become a trend that if you're against the Democratic Party or American Empire, that you have to support truth and bigotry as equals e.g. Trumpers have to support climate denial whilst hating covid but not questioning Trump's actions concerning it. If you're part of the tribe it's easy to be contradictory e.g., to stand up for Palestine whilst supporting RFK and Ramaswamy, and to say that you don't hate gays, you're just conservative.

As connected sociopaths took advantage of the masses before, now sociopaths get rich out of being contrarian, adapting themselves to which hate package sells best (which is the rebel becoming the politician).

A major problem is that some of these narcissists are wordsmiths offering nuggets in between the bullshit. They're as convincing as a date rape drug.

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