This dovetails well with this https://medium.com/swlh/what-is-acid-communism-e5c65ecf6188

And I like the way you defined revolution as a process, instead of the lame version of a transfer of power to another group. I wholeheartedly agree with that being true revolution.

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As a 60s survivor, the revolution was in my head - not in the outside world. Indeed, at Oxford '69 to '72, many of my compadres joined various manifestations of the hard left - International Socialists (who I think became the laughable SWP) and the International Marxist Group; one contemporary friend ended up in the Revolutionary Communist Party (not the Establishment Communist Party, natch - and indeed, splitters from the RCP formed the RC Tendency. Or the Alan Parsons Project. Hard to remember now).

What I recall? Hard Left Uni politics was SO boring, such a cul de sac, that the ready availability of HQ psychedelics was of far more interest to this searcher.

And nothing has changed since then.

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Oddly, my mother recently stated, and it clearly was not up for discussion, that in her day, people obeyed authority.

I had to chuckle. My mother was 20 in 1960. In her mind, there was no revolution, psychedelic or otherwise.

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I came into the 60's a toddler, and left it barely a teen. The 70's were when the revolution went underground like mycelium.

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