[thanks to Dr.. Malone for finding this one!]
Re: The Pharmaceutical Bubble & BigPharma negative return on investment
In end-stage, meltdown capitalism, projected growth is the absolute necessity. Once you gravely disappoint your "investors" as to how much growth you will achieve in the next quarter or few quarters, a company - or even an entire industry - can go down to where even Moses didn't get. Then, if events seem to threaten the entire system, the bailouts start. Remember 2008.
"Blinded" by profit? Not really blind, it's just the rules of the game.
So, I suspect that since the bailout process has already made the system as fragile as big money dares to go, the PLANDEMIC was green-lighted by those controlling the traffic lights, so as to avoid BigPharma meltdown AND the possible necessity to mollify the collapse through bailouts.
So we are sacrificing the integrity of the human genome to satisfy "investors", it's a scam, pure and simple. This is not a green-baize-table plan to kill off x% of the world's population! Not to say the eugenics fans are not tickled ultra-violet by current (adverse reaction) events, just that they were not the evil masterminds who planned something only James Bond could defeat.
From here to eternity, then, it's vaxxing. You-name-it, soon there will be a vax for it or against it. Witness the puff-piece this week on the French-German "Intellectual" TV Channel ARTE:
L’ARN messager : une révolution médicale
A similar situation exists, in spades, for the weapons industry. War must continue at a level that prevents collapse in that sector, just as "disease" must continue at the level that will prevent BigPharma collapse.
The problem is capitalism itself, and you can <snort> and <guffaw> all you like, until your hat floats in the rising seas.
Joel Kovel - The Enemy of Nature (excerpt)
"Climate change" may well (also) be subject to exploitation by those with the agendas, but if you understand the physical chemistry of CO2, CH4, O3 et al., then you will know for sure that planetary heating is most certainly happening, and rapidly.
Change one or two of the rules of the game? (Reforms)
Won't work.
Change the GAME (Great Reset)?
So, do you really want to know?
Tessa Lena on the Great Reset
"Now, I don’t think that this exact vision will ever come true in full. It is likely to implode before it gets half-way there"
Quite so.
No plan this vast, concocted by an in-group of half-vast VRPs, (very rich persons with only half the necessary to even sit down) has ever succeeded long-term, or even the medium term. Perhaps it is a feature of the GOD-IS-NOT-MOCKED universal principle.
Or perhaps the self-evident truth,
"Good ends, as I have frequently to point out, can be achieved only by the employment of appropriate means. The end cannot justify the means, for the simple and obvious reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced."
Ends and Means - Aldous Huxley
Save the planet through genocide and general mayhem? Ahem. You've some big surprises in store, VRPs.
Unless the ends are not good either. Ever thought of it?
And u will own nothing and be Happy! Quote Klaus Schwaab WEF