COVID Accountability and More
Robert Kennedy, Jr. : The profound significance of this revolutionary, historic nomination.
“A special Robert Kennedy, Jr. edition, pushing past the hot takes and quieting the media racket to explore the profound significance of this revolutionary, historic nomination.”
But the prospect of Kennedy digging around in the CDC skunkworks is not even the Establishment’s biggest anxiety. Over time, sneakily, gradually, bit-by-bit, the nation’s health laws have handed over vast swathes of power to one unelected official: the Secretary of HHS.
Take, for example, the PREP Act, over which I am currently suing Biden and the federal government. The Act provides total liability immunity to entire industries as long as the HHS Secretary signs a single declaration— literally, just a piece of paper. PFizer and Moderna, just to pick two, are both immune from all vaccine injury claims simply because Biden’s HHS Secretary said so.
So, Kennedy could upend the whole nauseating scheme in about ten minutes, just by issuing a new declaration. Kennedy could also, in his new declaration, order the PREP office to start recognizing automatically a whole slew of injuries related to covid countermeasures, and he could even direct the office to stop rejecting untimely claims. That single declaration could blow the lid off the whole covid scam and immediately aid millions.
And that’s just one Act. Which explains why you’re seeing headlines like Politico’s:
I've been gritting my teeth at the fear mongering that is about to ensue and endless smears about a bear in central park. But medpagetoday's article yesterday wasn't too bad and the comment section at the time I saw it was one of ...well...seems like these institutions are due for a shake up. I'm waiting for something to swoop in and snag defeat from the jaws of victory here but so far it looks promising. Like its going to be mitigate and downplay more than scorched earth stonewalling.